Secondary succession and parent material drive soil bacterial community composition in terraced abandoned olive groves from a Mediterranean hyper-humid mountainous area.
Company, J., Valiente, N., Fortesa, J., García-Comendador, J., Lucas-Borja, M.E., Ortega, R., Miralles, I., & Estrany, J.
Improving the design and implementation of sediment fingerprinting studies: summary and outcomes of the TRACING 2021 Scientific School.
Evrard, O., Batista, P.V.G., Company, J., Dabrin, A., Foucher, A., Frankl, A., García-Comendador, J., Huguet, A., Lake, N., Lizaga, I., MartínezCarreras, N., Navratil, O., Pignol, C., & Sellier, V.
Assessing the performance of MCDM, statistical and machine learning ensemble models for gully sensitivity mapping in a semi-arid context.
Eloudi, H., Reddad, H., Hssaisoune, M.,Estrany, J., Krimissa, S., Elaloui, A., Namous, M., Ouatiki, H., Aboutaib, F., Ouayah, M., Jadoud, M., Edahbi, M., & Bouchaou, L.
Combining sediment fingerprinting and hydro-sedimentary monitoring to assess suspended sediment provenance in a mid-mountainous Mediterranean catchment.
García-Comendador, J., Martínez-Carreras, N., Fortesa, J., Company, J., Borràs, A., & Estrany, J.
Hydrogeomorphological analysis and modelling for a comprehensive understanding of flash-flood damage processes: the 9 October 2018 event in northeastern Mallorca.
Estrany, J., Ruí,z-Pé,rez, M., Mutzner, R., ,Fortesa, J., Ná,cher-Rodrí,guez, B., ,Tomà,s-Burguera, M., ,Garcí,a-Comendador, J., Peñ,a, X., Calvo-Cases, A. &, Vallés-Morán, F J.,
Geospatial analysis to assess distribution patterns and predictive models for endangered plant species to support management decisions:a case study in the Balearic Islands.
Moderation Effect of Neighborhood Walkability during a Physical Activity Intervention in Overweight and Obese Elderly Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome.
Fernández, A. C., Mavoa, S., Ruiz, M., Wärnberg, J., Muncunill, J., Konieczna, J., & Romaguera, D.
Geotechnologies curricula in departments of geography in the Spanish public universities: Challenges and perspectives from the University of the Balearic Islands.
Ruiz-Pérez, M., & Estrany, J.
International Scientific Journal: Micro Macro & Mezzo Geo Information, 13,UDC: 378.016:[528:004.6(460) 378.016:91(460), (2019).
Sediment connectivity linked to vegetation using UAVs: High-resolution imagery for ecosystem management.
Estrany, J., Ruiz, M., Calsamiglia, A., Carriquí, M., García-Comendador, J., Nadal, M., & Gago, J.
Improvement of almond production using Bombus terrestris (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Mediterranean conditions
Marqués, A., Juan, A., Ruíz, M., Traveset, A., & Leza, M.
Journal of Applied Entomology ,143,1132-1142 (2019). DOI: 10.1111/jen.12690
Comparison of stage/discharge rating curves derived from different recording systems: Consequences for streamflow data and water management in a Mediterranean island
Fortesa, J., García-Comendador, J., Calsamiglia, A., López-Tarazón, J. A., Latron, J., Alorda, B., & Estrany, J.
Mediterranean built environment and precipitation as modulator factors on physical activity in obese mid-age and old-age adults with metabolic syndrome: Cross-sectional study.
Colom, A., Ruiz, M., Wärnberg, J., Compa, M., Muncunill, J., Barón-López, F. J., & Salas-Salvadó, J.
International journal of environmental research and public health ,16(5),854 (2019). DOI:
Monitoratge i gestió ambiental post-incendi: control de processos ecogeomorfològics amb tecnologies de precisió
Estrany, J., & Gago, J.
Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Agricultura i Pesca. Govern de les Illes Balears, 145 pp. (2019),
Holocene demographic fluctuations, climate and erosion in the Mediterranean: A meta data-analysis.
Walsh, K., Berger, J. F., Roberts, C. N., Vanniere, B., Ghilardi, M., Brown, A. G., Woodbridge, J., Lespez, L., Estrany, J., Glais, A., & Palmisano, A.
Water associated with residential areas and tourist resorts is the key predictor of Asian tiger mosquito presence on a Mediterranean island.
Sanz‐Aguilar, A., Rosselló, R., Bengoa, M., Ruiz‐Pérez, M., González‐Calleja, M., Barceló, C., & Tavecchia, G.
Medical and veterinary entomology ,32(4),443-450 (2018). DOI: 10.1111/mve.12317
La gestió automatitzada de la xarxa hidromètrica de Mallorca.
Fortesa, J., & Estrany, J.
In: Alorda B (Ed.) Bones pràctiques i recomanacions per a la captura de dades mitjançant la xarxa de sensors pública IoTIB. Edicions UIB, Palma, pp. 31-46. ISBN 978-84-8384-388-8 ,
The role of wildfire on soil quality in abandoned terraces of three Mediterranean micro-catchments.
Lucas-Borja, M. E., Calsamiglia, A., Fortesa, J., García-Comendador, J., Guardiola, E. L., García-Orenes, F., & Estrany, J.